Workforce Retention Grant - Additional Payment Tip Sheet

day care centers

Staff Retention bonus: $2,250.00 (Component A)

Payroll Tax Assistance: $172.00

Recruitment Bonus: $12,000.00 (Component B)


group family providers

Staff Retention bonus: $2,250.00 (Component A)

Payroll Tax Assistance: $172.00

Recruitment Bonus: $4,000.00 (Component B)

family providers

Staff Retention bonus: $2,250.00 (Component A)

Payroll Tax Assistance: $172.00

Recruitment Bonus: $2,000.00 (Component B)


school age providers

Staff Retention bonus: $1,725.00 (Component A)

Payroll Tax Assistance: $132.00

Recruitment Bonus: $12,000.00 (Component B)

You will receive payment for staff that are no longer working in your program. The funds you receive for staff no longer working in your program or are no longer eligible to receive component A will automatically roll over into component B funds.


Allowable use of funds for Component B include, but are not limited to:

  • Provide recruitment sign-on bonuses for new staff who began after June 26, 2023 and are not eligible for the workforce retention grant payments.

  • Provide bonuses for staff who are otherwise not eligible for the retention bonus.

  • Provide referral incentives for existing staff who recruit new staff.

  • Pay for advertisement and marketing costs for staff vacancies.

  • Pay for recently hired (since June 26, 2023) staff benefit package costs (such as healthcare, paid time off, 401K).

  • Pay for or reimburse costs for recently hired (since June 26, 2023) staff medical, criminal and child abuse clearances.

  • Pay for staffing or “headhunter” services.

  • Pay a bonus for staff in a non-caregiving role who are recruited to a caregiving role.

  • Pay a bonus for part-time staff who transition to a full-time role.

  • Supplementing a retention payment to include a longevity bonus for existing staff who have been with the program six months or more.


All funds must be spent by September 09/01/2024

SACC Programs are advised to spend all funds by the end of June, 2024


More questions?

Kiersten Kennedy | (518) 426-7181 EXT 349

Or fill out the FAQ form