Brightside Up, Inc. is a local child care resource and referral agency (CCR&R) dedicated to providing expert resources to the Capital Region to improve the availability and quality of child care and to assist families in finding child care.

After 40 years as child development experts, we understand children. We help the world see the bright side in every behavior, every cry, every laugh, and every challenge by advocating a strength-based, positive approach to problem-solving as well as celebrations. Adversity is merely an opportunity for growth and learning, therefore should not be avoided or viewed as shameful; let it be a lens through which we can strive to be better parents, providers, educators, and children.


Investing in collaborative relationships that enhance the development of children


Send us a message or give us a visit. We would love to hear from you.



Meet the volunteers who give their time to serve the community and guide Brightside Up’s work.



Meet our dedicated staff members and get in touch to say hello!



Learn about the Brightside Up workplace culture and peruse our open positions.


Because TOGETHER WE CAN create a world where all children are understood


Brightside Up is NYS Standard of Excellence Certified


Brightside Up’s 2022 financial statement