It's Time to Post Flu Information

The best way to protect young children from getting infected with the flu is for all family members and all people that surround the child (other children, parents, and teachers or caregivers) to get immunized. This is called “cocooning,” and it is especially important for adults who care for children younger than 6 months because they are too young to get the vaccine. Immunizing young children against the flu is also important to prevent its spread to families and the community. People who have been immunized are less likely to become really sick if they get the flu.

Flu spreads easily and can make people very sick, especially kids. That’s why each year, child care providers are reminded by NYS OCFS to prominently display information about the flu and the benefits of flu vaccination.

It's easy to do your part. Just post this publication in your school or facility where it can be easily seen by parents and caregivers:

Visit for more information and resources.