SPOTLIGHT: Pyramid Model Practices at SCAP

Check out how this stellar team at SCAP Early Learning Center’s Bigelow site is implementing Pyramid Model practices! Ms. Daniela, Ms. Patsy, Mr. John, Grandma Jackie from CEO’s Foster Grandparent Program, and Ms. Karen work together to support social-emotional competence in their classroom in many ways! Here we have highlighted their classroom greeter and cozy corner.   

Having a classroom greeter teaches students social skills, supports initiative, and helps create a sense of attachment as a learning community in the classroom. (child/apron photo)

A cozy corner enhances a comfortable space to provide children a safe space to retreat when feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated or strong emotions. In this space, teachers teach children to regulate their own emotions using some of the tools and solutions are shown. Tools in a cozy corner focus around feeling identification and sensory stimulation for regulation and soothing.

Want to add cozy corners to your classroom? We provide training and consulting to help you create spaces in your classroom just like these!

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