April 25 | Self-Care Saturday: Mental and Emotional Fatigue During Covid-19

SELF-CARE SATURDAY | April 25 | 10am
Why you shouldn’t feel guilty about your response to social distancing whether you’re staying home or you’re an essential worker. We will discuss mental and emotional fatigue during this ongoing crisis. Join Barbara Mitchell, LMHC as she covers some of the basics around why we tend to move back and forth between activation (cleaning out closets), and shut-down (tv binging), and why we can’t “just power through.”

Please click the link to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/97476921834

This is free and open to all | No preregistration required - simply join the Zoom with the link above. Links to our Self-Care Saturday sessions can also be found in the events on our COVID 19 Resources page on our website.
Does not count toward NYS OCFS child care licensing/training hours