Ever wondered exactly what your infant or toddler finds interesting? If you start by thinking about the five senses and observing how your little one explores the world around them, you can uncover the clues that reveal their interests. The sights, sounds, tastes, textures, and smells in the environment provide sensory input that helps develop an understanding of the world. As their skills develop, we can see how their approach to sensory exploration evolves and how our play offerings can evolve with it.

Let’s explore how children discover the world through sensory play.

Click the button below to download a brand new tipcard for tips on making transitions fun through sensory exploration. Available in English & Spanish! Catch up with Ben as he builds life skills through exploration in our latest video. And, request our "Sensory Exploration Kit" loaded with items to encourage sensory play.

Bookmark and come back to visit the Infant & Toddler section of our website where we will be adding tip cards, videos, and toolkits in the coming months to our Calming & Connecting, Exploring, and Communicating pages.

Brightside Up (admin)