Continuing to Provide Vital Child Care Services: Guidance from NYS OCFS

EXCERPT From Dear Provider Letter posted March 17, 2020

“In these uncertain times, it can be difficult to manage the influx of information we hear from many sources.   Please be aware that child care programs are NOT being ordered to close.  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  Governor Cuomo and his administration consider child care to be an essential function critical to enabling parents to go to work...”  READ FULL LETTER>

Call for Child Care Workers

NYS OCFS is seeking assistance from licensed and registered child care programs and their employees. Child care workers who are temporarily out of work due to COVID-19 related program closures may be able to help fill vital roles at other child care programs.

If you are interested in helping support your community by helping to keep local child care programs operating-especially to care for children of health care and other critical workers, please complete this Survey for Current Child Care Workers. Your responses will be shared with local child care programs that are in need of staff.

Please stay tuned to our enews, website and social media channels for the latest updates as they occur.