Announcing the Capital District Regional Early Childhood Career Development Center

Brightside Up and the New York Professional Development Institute at CUNY (the Institute) are partnering to bring a full complement of career support services to all current and aspiring early childhood professionals through the new, Capital District Regional Early Childhood Career Development Center.

You may already know the Institute as the organization that oversees QUALITYStarsNY and ASPIRE. Now, whether you are a student or seasoned professional, we offer an extensive range of career services that can help you to advance or simply explore educational and employment options in early childhood. All of our services are tailored to meet the needs of our clients are offered free of charge.

The career advisement center will be hosting a July/August summer workshop series focused on building an effective resume, honing job interview skills, and using social media effectively as a job search tool.

Workshops will be ongoing and future topics will include an overview of the early childhood career pathway and scholarship opportunities for those seeking to further their education in the field. Do you have a topic that we should cover? We’re open to suggestions!

To register for the ZOOM Summer Workshop Series visit:

The Career Center will also work with clients on a one-on-one basis to provide individual resume and interview advisement.  With the help of a career assessment tool designed specifically for early childhood, clients will be able to self-assess their interests and work with a career advisor to craft a career pathway based on an individualized career plan.

For both current students and professionals who wish to continue their education in early childhood, the Career Center can provide a wealth of information on degree and certification based programs, as well as scholarships and financial aid. We’ll help you navigate your way and put you on your personalized pathway to a successful and fulfilling career in early childhood!

The Career Center is also hosting a regional ECE Employment Network. The Network will allow employers to post available jobs while the Capital District Career Advisement Center will link job seekers to employer job postings. The service is free of charge for both employers and job seekers.

Click on the links below to learn more:

Employers seeking to post positions on our job board (at no cost) may apply here:

Job Seekers can tell us about themselves using the confidential link and clicking here:

Please feel reach to reach out and contact our career advisor Beth St. Dennis who can be reached at (518) 426.7181 Ext. 330 or via email at  Beth is available to meet with you at times that will accommodate your work schedule.

The Capital District Regional Early Childhood Career Development Center is open and ready to help you!

Funded in part through the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five initiative under the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Brightside Up (admin)