Serving Up Savings with CACFP

Over the next few weeks join us to learn how the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) can help you support young children’s health and development while saving money and expanding the offerings at your child care program. We’ll be sharing weekly tips, info, and resources to help you serve up the savings on our Facebook page!


Milk is only required to be offered at breakfast, lunch and dinner (if served). A reimbursable snack may contain water and 2 foods. For example, graham crackers, baby carrots and a glass of water meet the CACFP requirements for a snack.

Once you have recorded your menus and attendance and submit your claim at the end of the month, you can expect your first check to arrive 4-5 weeks later. As long as you send and submit your claim within 7 days after the end of the month, you will receive a check monthly. You can even submit a claim if you were open only one day a month!

It only takes about 10 minutes a day or about 4 hours a month to complete CACFP requirements! If you have 5 full-time children in your care receiving breakfast, lunch, and a snack; your reimbursement could range from $230-$480 per month. Many CACFP participants compare it to receiving an extra paycheck!

See for yourself with our reimbursement estimator.

Claire Canniff